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Infinera`s 500G intelligent transport network deployed in South Africa

Internet Solutions is the first company to deploy the firm's indium phosphide (InP) based super-channels in South Africa
Infinera has announced  the deployment of the Infinera DTN-X platform across the company’s South African long distance network.

The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution, featuring the DTN-X packet optical transport networking platform, enables Internet Solutions to differentiate its services, and manage costs as they scale their network.

Internet Solutions, a division of Dimension Data and part of the NTT group, provides telecommunications services to public and private sector companies across South Africa and serves more than 80 percent of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

Using the Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution, Internet Solutions can now offer 10, 40 and 100 Gigabit Ethernet services to its clients across the long distance fibres it manages across South Africa with short lead times, leading prices and excellent reliability.

Internet Solutions’ clients will benefit from its newly enhanced transport network through faster provisioning of bandwidth, as well as quicker fault resolution timeframes, as a result of Internet Solutions now having complete control of the network, end to end. This networking solution delivers the industry’s only commercially available 500 gigabit per second (Gb/s) FlexCoherent super-channels based on Infinera's widely deployed photonic integrated circuits and is a first for South Africa and the African continent.  

The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution provides Internet Solutions with a system integrating dense wavelength division multiplexing optical transmission and five terabit per second non-blocking OTN switching in a single platform.

Infinera's intelligent software combined with this converged platform automates manual operations to lower operational costs and enable faster service delivery. The Infinera DTN-X is designed to scale without compromise to enable future upgrades to terabit super-channels and Terabit Ethernet.

"The Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution provides us with a cutting edge optical transport solution, allowing us to offer the highest lit capacity in a South African backbone," says Prenesh Padayachee, CTO at Internet Solutions. "Internet Solutions is at the forefront of utilising the latest technology that will ensure reliable and rapid service delivery to our clients and it is critical that our vendors are able to deliver the latest and most cutting edge technology. Infinera has delivered this through their intelligent transport network system.”

"Internet Solutions' selection of an Infinera Intelligent Transport Network solution underscores the value of the Intelligent Transport Network for service providers around the world," adds Chris Champion, senior vice president, EMEA sales. "Deploying the first 500 Gb/s super-channels across South Africa with Internet Solutions significantly increases the capacity available to business and consumers in the region.”



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